Campaigns for Excellence
UHSFAA has raised over $600,000 and given over $450,000 to support the school and its students. It also stewards several long-term restricted funds.
Thank you to all of our donors who make it possible again and again for us to “pay it forward” for the next generation of penguins!
Below is a list of some of the donations that UHSFAA has provided to UHS in previous years, the product of both grants and donations from UHS alumni and community members.
2023/2024 Campaign for Excellence
The 2023/2024 Campaign for Excellence received over $24,000 in contributions including over $9,000 dedicated to the Kemmeries Memorial Fund.
Over $37,000 was awarded in 2023/2024 which included money from long-term restricted funds:
$4,850 through the Keys to College Program for:
- Fees for test prep courses, PSAT test fees, college application fees
- Students bus tour to visit all three Arizona State colleges
$4,600 in student Micro Grants for:
- Various student activity fees
- Science Olympiad Trip
- Band Performance Trip
- Shakespeare play student trip
$3,265 in Tech and Classroom Resources including:
- Plickers
- Maker-space sewing machines
- 3D Molecular Design Kits
- Mock election support resources for student campaign teams
- Spanish curriculum resources
- Library resources
$1,900 for staff and teacher appreciation
$1,000 for TUSD Legacy Gala honoring UHS students
$650 to the Counseling and Tutoring Center (MTSS) to support and incentivize tutoring
$300 for middle-school recruitment
One $8,000 Pilote Scholarship (from the restricted Hank and Angelina Pilote Scholarship fund)
One $2,000 Pilote Scholarship (final of four payments)
One $5,000 “Out-of-State Success Awards” (from an anonymous donor)
2022/2023 Campaign for Excellence
The 2022/2023 Campaign for Excellence received over $25,000 in contributions.
Over $57,000 was awarded in 2022/2023 which included money from long-term restricted funds:
$10,000 for new band uniforms
$5,800 in Tech and Classroom Resources including virtual reality goggles
$5,500 in student Micro Grants for:
- Forum Music Festival Trip
- Future Business Leaders of America Trip
- Band Performance Trip
- Student Internship fee
$1,800 for teacher appreciation
$1,700 for faculty professional development
$1,000 for Counseling Center resources
$580 through the Keys to College Program for:
- Fees for test prep courses, PSAT test fees, college application fees
- Students bus tour to visit all three Arizona State colleges
$300 for TUSD Legacy Gala honoring UHS students
One $8,000 Pilote Scholarships (from the restricted Hank and Angelina Pilote Scholarship fund)
$10,000 for three partial Pilote Scholarship (final partial payments)
One $5,000 “Out-of-State Success Awards” (from an anonymous donor)
2021/2022 Campaign for Excellence
The 2021/2022 Campaign for Excellence received over $55,000 in contributions which included a $36,000 grant from the TR Brown Foundation and $18,000 in individual donations
Over $57,000 was awarded in 2021/2022 to students and for school supplies and programs:
$36,000 in laptops and Anywhere Charging Carts, courtesy of the TR Brown Foundation
$9,400 in technology and classroom resources
$5,500 in student Micro Grants for:
- Robotics Club
- Go For Launch Tucson Trip
- Future Business Leaders of America Trip
- Academy Drum and Bugle Corps
$1,000 through the Keys to College Program for fees for test prep courses, PSAT test fees, college application fees
$1,000 for Counseling Center resources including alumni and career events
$1,400 for teacher appreciation
$640 for faculty professional development
2019/2020 Campaign for Excellence
The 2019/2020 Campaign for Excellence received over $29,000 in contributions.
Over $23,000 was awarded in 2019/2020 to students and for school supplies and programs:
$10,800 to the Principal’s Discretionary fund used for faculty support, student support, supplies and equipment, and Covid-19 related costs.
$2,900 in technology and classroom spending
$1,000 from the Keys for College fund for transportation for a college tour
$300 from the Microgrants fund for Robotics team and Penguin to Penguin retreat
$8,000 to four students ($2,000 each) as part of the Hank and Angelina Pilote college scholarships. (Recipients receive a total of $8,000 each over four years of college)
2018/2019 Campaign for Excellence
The 2018/2019 Campaign for Excellence received over $113,000 in contributions, including $65,000 from the TR Brown Foundation and $47,000 in individual contributions!
Over $105,000 was awarded in 2018/2019 to students and for school supplies and programs.
$65,000 was expended on computers on wheels (COWs) and related technology, courtesy of the TR Brown Foundation
$7,000 to the Principal’s Discretionary Fund for supplies and individual student fees for programs and activities
$4,300 for 10 laptops w/cases for teachers
$3,000 in other awards for technology and educational tools
$1,500 from the Microgrant fund awarded for five students to attend dual enrollment for engineering courses,
$2,100 from the Microgrant fund awarded for students to attend UA SHINE summer program
$1,400 from the Keys-for-College fund Awarded to students in need for PSAT, SAT, and AP testing
$8,000 to 4 students ($2,000 each) as part of the Hank and Angelina Pilote college scholarships. (Recipients receive a total of $8,000 each for a four year college).
2017/2018 Campaign for Excellence
The 2017/2018 campaign raised $30,000.
The following awards were distributed:
$3,200 from the Professional Development Fund for summer program fees for students in need
$2,000 from the Principal’s Discretionary Fund for expenses related to the HOBY Youth Leadership Program, CPR classes and classroom supplies
$1,500 from the Keys for College fund for PSAT, SAT, and AP testing as well as college tour expenses for students in need
$4,700 for 10 laptops for teachers
$302 awarded to the UHS CTE program from matching grant provided by Google and an alumnus donor to fund computer supplies
$8,000 to 4 students ($2,000 each) as part of the Hank and Angelina Pilote college scholarships. (Recipients receive a total of $8,000 each for a four-year college)
2016/2017 Campaign for Excellence
The following awards were distributed:
$27,000 worth of document cameras (3), projectors (2), laptops for teacher use (5), marker boards (14), laptops for student use (21).
$4,200 from the Principal’s Discretionary Fund for volunteer appreciation, student council homecoming supplies, staff health certification exams.
2015/2016 Campaign for Excellence
The following awards were distributed:
$12,000 received from an alumnus and as a matching gift from his employer, Google–expended on 31 monitors & 4 ceiling speakers to upgrade the new computer science lab.
$2,000 for technology and classroom
$4,000 to the Principal’s Discretionary Fund
$6,000 in Pilote scholarships distributions
2014/2015 Campaign for Excellence
The following awards were distributed:
$10,000 for projectors and document cameras
$3,900 to the Principal’s Leadership Fund
$3,000 in TTT gifts to teachers (Tools, Technology, Textbooks)
$2,000 for the first student awarded the Dr. Henry J. Pilote, Jr. and Angelina E. Scholarship
2013/2014 Campaign for Excellence
The following awards were distributed:
$3,200 to the Principal’s Discretionary Fund
$3,000 in TTT gifts to teachers (Tools, Technology, Textbooks)
$7,000 for lab equipment
2012/2013 Campaign for Excellence
The following awards were distributed:
$3,500 to the Principal’s Discretionary Fund
$7,500 for new computers