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Students with awards

Grants for Students

Keys-to-College: Accessing College

The UHS Foundation and Alumni Association seeks to benefit college-bound UHS students as they navigate the college application process. Paying for college is expensive, but what about getting there in the first place? In order to secure admission to a college, it is recommended that students apply to 4-6 colleges. For many students this presents challenges. In combination with a generous lead gift from the Marshall Foundation, this fund assists students with the fees associated with college entrance exams (such as the ACT and SAT), Advanced Placement tests, and college applications, as well as sending test scores and financial aid profiles to those various colleges. This fund also assists with fees for prep classes and school visits to in-state colleges. Up to $500 per student per year available.

To apply for this financial assistance please speak with a UHS Counselor.

Professional Development: Internship/Shadowing

This program provides current UHS students with real world experience, professional opportunities and exposure to the greater Tucson community. UHSFAA partners with the UHS Parents’ Association and the UHS Counseling Office to place students at area businesses and organizations for internships and more. Thank you to an early anonymous donor to get this program started and to St. Joseph’s Hospital for being an early corporate partner.

To apply for this financial assistance please speak with a UHS Counselor.

Carolyn Kemmeries Student Grants

In recognition of the tremendous contributions from former UHS Principal, Carolyn Kemmeries, the UHS Foundation and Alumni Association seeks to support UHS students, particularly those who are first generation college bound and in particular need, who are focused on building opportunities for themselves.  The Kemmeries Grants are awarded to students for projects that further their educational development. Grants of up to $500 per student per year are available at the discretion of the UHSFAA board and the counseling department, and are based on available funds.

Dr. Sandeep Deshmukh Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is being awarded as a one-time award to two UHS students in honor of Dr. Sandeep Deshmukh (Class of 1992), who passed away in 2023. 

The objective of the Dr. Sandeep Deshmukh Memorial Scholarship is to support students seeking a career in a health-related profession.

For school year 2024-25, the scholarship provides a one-time payment of $3,500.

UHSFAA Deshmukh Scholarship Application deadline to apply is April 30. See application for details.

The Pilote Fund: College Scholarship Assistance

This 4-year college scholarship is awarded annually to one UHS student applicant who best exemplifies the criteria set out by founder and former Principal Dr. Henry J. Pilote, Jr. and his wife, Angelina E. Pilote. 

The objective of the Dr. Henry J. Pilote, Jr. and Angelina E. Pilote Scholarship is to recognize all-around excellence and achievement by high school graduates. The character and integrity of the student are among the most important criteria sought after by the Pilote Scholarship. The student should be a “doer” known for honesty, leadership and the ability to take responsibility for his/her actions.

For school year 2024-25, the scholarship provides a one-time payment of $10,000

UHSFAA Pilote Scholarship Application deadline to apply is April 30. See application for details.
Scholarship Award Criteria
  • GPA of at least 3.2 out of 4.0 (or 4.2/5.0)
  • The student must be entering a 4 year course of study at an accredited college.
  • Athletic achievement is a must.
  • The student must be enrolled in ROTCOR participate in another leadership program, where problem solving, planning strategies and professional ethics are learned.
  • Special achievements such as participation in a science fair, literary society, essay contest, local theater or other competition requiring individual exposure will be considered.
  • Community-related activities are valued along with participation in social/class activities that indicate that the student is a team player.