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Hall of Fame

HALL OF FAME March 28th, 2026

Book your plane tickets for the weekend!

University High School will host their next major Hall of Fame event on March 28th, 2026 in partnership with the UHS Foundation and Alumni Association and the UHS Parents Association. This event will recognize early members of staff who, like earlier awardees, have made a significant impact on the character and success of the school.

All UHS alumni and past faculty are invited to nominate.

See nomination process and form here

UHS Hall of Fame

In 2016, on the 40th Anniversary of UHS, the first Hall of Fame event was held under the leadership of Principal Amy Cislak in partnership with the UHS Foundation and Alumni Association and the UHS Parent Association.

At that event ten members of the initial faculty (hired between 1976 and 1980) were recognized.  These ten individuals clearly made a significant positive impact on both the character and success of the school, and made a significant impact on hundreds of UHS students in the 1970’s, 80’s and into the 90’s.

  • Reginald Barr
  • C. Diane Bishop
  • Leo Croteau
  • J. Magee (Mac) Evans
  • Aleida Gehrels
  • Sally Higgins
  • Carolyn Kemmeries
  • James Madden
  • Allan Sandum
  • Robert Thomas

Watch the founders and early faculty of UHS/Special Projects share memories of the first years:

2016 Hall of Fame Inductees

Plaques in their honor hang in the UHS administrative offices
Reginald Barr

Reginald Barr

~ Inception to 1992 ~

UHS Social Studies Department Chair

Instituted UHS Mock Elections and Seniors Debate

Coach for Championship Academic Decathlon

President, Arizona Board of Education

C. Diane Bishop

C. Diane Bishop

~ Inception to 1986 ~

UHS Mathematics Department Chair, AP Calculus

Arizona State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Phoenix Union School District Governing Board

Leo Croteau

Leo Croteau

~ Inception to 1982 ~

UHS English Department Chair, AP English

Role model to his students for his humanitarianism and community service

The Leo Croteau Award is given at graduation in his honor to recognize valedictory distinction.

J. McGee "Mac" Evans

J. McGee “Mac” Evans

~1976 to 1980 ~

First Director of Special Projects

Developed the initial curricular instructional culture for Special Projects

Hired the original faculty and admitted the first students

Aleida "Madame" Gehrels

Aleida “Madame” Gehrels

~ Inception to 1997 ~

AP French, AP German, AP Art History

Early developer of College Board’s AP Art History exam

Staff advisor to numerous student clubs including Hunger Action Group

Sally Higgins

Sally Higgins

~ Inception to 1997 ~

Lead Counselor at Special Projects and UHS

AP Coordinator – integrally involved in developing early AP curriculum

Developed the initial personal, direct counseling culture at UHS

Carolyn Kemmeries

Carolyn Kemmeries

~ 1976, and 1986 to 1992 ~

Director of Special Projects, First Principal of UHS

Presided over the create of the UHS School Council

Stewarded UHS accreditation as the nation’s first public college preparatory school

Served on the TUSD Governing Board

James Madden

James Madden

~ Inception to 2013 ~

UHS Physics and Computer Science

Longest serving original faculty member

Multiple honors by the Flynn Foundation as Distinguished Educator

Recipient of Career & Technical Education grants funding for early educational labs

Allan Sandum

Allan Sandum

~ Inception to 1995 ~

UHS Science Department Chair, Honors and AP Biology

Staff advisor for Science Bowl and Science Olympiad

Robert Thomas

Robert Thomas

~ Inception to 1992 ~

Honors and AP Chemistry

Coach of UHS Championship Chess Team

Promoter and supporter of many student academic competitions

Tucson Education Association Representative for UHS