Student Support

During Covid times, direct support to some students is the difference between success and failure at UHS.  Please consider a donation that the UHSFAA can flexibly direct to provide supplies, application fee scholarships, even transportation to a secure study venue! 



 Small scholarships to assist in accessing college

This fund assists students with fees associated with college entrance exams (such as the ACT and SAT), Advanced Placement tests, college applications, prep classes and school visits to in-state school.   If you would like to make a donation specifically to the Keys-to-College fund please donate here!


 Student Internships and Shadowing

UHSFAA partners with the UHS Parents’ Association and the UHS Counseling Office to place students at area businesses and organizations for internships and more. The objective of the program is to provide current UHS students with real world experience, professional opportunities and exposure to the greater Tucson community.  


 Grants to further educational development

Micro grants are awarded to deserving students in need of anything that furthers their educational development. These might include costs associated with internet access, academic supplies, travel, academic program fee or even meals for food-insecure students.  These grants are meant for students in need or with extenuating circumstances and are meant to create opportunity and remove barriers.  

Explore the other UHSFAA funding categories by clicking on a button, below:

Or make an unrestricted donation here:

Annual Campaigns

For information about our past annual campaigns and awards, click HERE.


Tax ID

The tax ID of UHSFAA is 86-0862856.


Thank you for your support!