The Keys-to-College Fund
The UHS Foundation and Alumni Association seeks to benefit college-bound UHS students as they navigate the college application process with the Keys-To-College Fund. Paying for college is expensive, but what about getting there in the first place? In order to secure admission to a college, it is recommended that students apply to 4-6 colleges. For many students this presents challenges. In combination with a generous lead gift from the Marshall Foundation, this fund will assist students with the fees associated with college entrance exams (such as the ACT and SAT), Advanced Placement tests, and college applications, as well as sending test scores and financial aid profiles to those various colleges.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to receive assistance, students must meet one of the following eligibility requirements:
- Students do not qualify for fee waivers (based upon their family’s income and/or eligibility for free or reduced lunch) and have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by the FAFSA of $3,000 or less. Funds may cover up to $200 of costs.
- Students do qualify for fee waivers but need additional assistance. Funds may cover up to $75 of costs.
- Students do not qualify for fee waivers but there are extenuating circumstances that demonstrate the student’s need for assistance (divorce/separation of parents, illness of family member, etc.). Demonstrated extenuating circumstances will be determined at the discretion of the UHS Counseling Office. Fees may cover up to $200.
To apply for Keys-to-College financial assistance please speak with a UHS Counselor. Thank you notes (either anonymous or signed) directed to the Marshall Foundation and UHSFAA are appreciated and might be used as testimonials for future donors.